1659–60 Pepys Diary 19 Feb. n.p.: Thence forth to Mr. Harper’s to drink a glass of purle.at purl, n.1
1660 Pepys Diary 7 Oct. n.p.: To White Hall on foot, calling at my father’s to change my long black cloak for a short one (long cloaks being now quite out).at out, adv.1
1661 Pepys Diary 27 June n.p.: This day, Mr. Holden sent me a beaver, which cost me £4 5s.at beaver, n.1
1661 Pepys Diary 8 Mar. n.p.: Then we set to it again till it was very late; and at last come in Sir William Wale, almost fuddled.at fuddled, adj.
1662 Pepys Diary 22 June n.p.: A Portugall lady [...] that hath dropped a child already since the Queen’s coming.at drop, v.5
1662 Pepys Diary 7 Sept. n.p.: [I] did feel her; which I am much ashamed of, but I did no more, though I had so much a mind to it that I spent in my breeches.at feel, v.
1662 Pepys Diary 7 May n.p.: In the late business of Chimney Money, when all occupiers were to pay, it was questioned whether women were under that name to pay; and somebody rose and said that they were not occupiers, but occupied.at occupy, v.
1663 Pepys Diary (1866) 15 May 146: The Portugals have choused us, it seems, in the Island of Bombay, in the East Indies.at chouse, v.
1663 Pepys Diary 24 Apr. (1876) II. 188: Up betimes, and with my salt eele went down in the parler and there got my boy and did beat him.at salt eel (n.) under salt, n.3
1664 Pepys Diary Nov. 15 (1894) 270: I to the ’Change, and thence Bagwell’s wife with much ado followed me through Moorfields to a blind alehouse, and there I did caress her and eat and drink.at blind alehouse (n.) under blind, adj.1
1664 Pepys Diary 16 Jan. n.p.: After some caresses, je l’ay foutee sous de la chaise deux times.at foutre, v.
1665 Pepys Diary 14 May n.p.: To church, it being Whit-Sunday; my wife very fine in a new yellow bird’s-eye hood, as the fashion is now.at bird’s eye, n.
1665 Pepys Diary 1 Apr. n.p.: How my Lord Treasurer did bless himself.at bless oneself (v.) under bless, v.1
1665 Pepys Diary 27 Apr. n.p.: Which puts [...] me into a great fear, that all my cake will be doe still.at cake is dough under cake, n.1
1665 Pepys Diary 26 May n.p.: In the evening by water to the Duke of Albermarle, whom I found mightily off the hooks, that the ships are not gone out of the River.at off the hook(s) under hook, n.1
1665 Pepys Diary 15 Feb. n.p.: At noon, with Creed to the Trinity House, where a very good dinner among the old soakers.at soaker, n.1
1666 Pepys Diary 28 Dec. n.p.: By coach to the King’s play-house, and there saw ‘The Scornful Lady’ well acted, Doll Common doing Abigail most excellently, and Knipp the widow very well.at abigail, n.1
1666 Pepys Diary 28 Oct. n.p.: He says that in the July fight both the Prince and Holmes had their bellyfuls, and were fain to go aside.at bellyful (n.) under belly, n.
1667 Pepys Diary 29 Aug. n.p.: I find by all hands that the Court is at this day all to pieces, every man of a faction of one sort or another.at all to pieces, adj.
1667 Pepys Diary 15 Nov. n.p.: cited in Partridge DSUE (1984).at make someone piss (v.) under piss, v.
1668 Pepys Diary 29 Jan. n.p.: He tells me that Townsend, of the Wardrobe, is the veriest knave and bufflehead that ever he saw in his life.at bufflehead, n.
1668 Pepys Diary 25 Oct. 🌐 My wife, coming up suddenly, did find me embracing the girl with my hand under her skirts; and, indeed, I was with my hand in her cunny.at cunny, n.
1668 Pepys Diary 17 June n.p.: I find my wife hath something in her gizzard that only waits an opportunity of being provoked to bring up.at gizzard, n.
1668 Pepys Diary 23 Feb. n.p.: Sir R. Brookes overtook us coming to town; who played the jack with us all, and is a fellow that I must trust no more.at play the jack (v.) under jack, n.2
1669 Pepys Diary Apr. 15 (1893) 2285: I led her into a little blind alehouse within the walls, and there she and I alone fell to talk and baiser la and toker su mammailles.at blind alehouse (n.) under blind, adj.1
1669 Pepys Diary VII 121: [I] did it backward, not having convenience to do it the other way.at do it, v.1