1842 ‘The Saint Giles’s Jade’ Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 45: Th’ beggar vos not worth a t--d.at not worth a turd, phr.
1842 ‘The Saint Giles’s Jade’ in Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 45: He vos nearly a croker with fright.at croaker, n.3
1842 ‘When I Beheld a Maidenhead’ in Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 31: I longed [...] Slap in the cuckoo’s nest to be.at cuckoo’s nest, n.
1842 ‘The Saint Giles’s Jade’ in Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 45: So Molly come down with delight, / An’ doss’d it all night long with me.at doss, v.
1842 ‘The Saint Giles’s Jade’ in Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 45: All max from her belly he barr’d, / Not a drain could she get ’pon my vord.at drain, n.1
1842 ‘Nancy Dawson’ in Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 11: Her duff she up and down did jerk.at duff, n.2
1842 ‘Nancy Dawson’ in Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 10: Then cried my lads, come fire away, / Spank into Nancy Dawson.at fire, v.2
1842 ‘Nancy Dawson’ in Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 10: The tall black cook with her made free [...] He gave her inches twenty-three.at inch, n.
1842 ‘A Slap Against the Garden Gate’ in Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 19: For Lubin had promised to meet her there, / And showed to her his jewels rare.at jewel, n.
1842 ‘That’s About the Size of It’ Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 26: Oh, jeminy – that’s about the size of it.at jiminy!, excl.
1842 ‘Sally May’ Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 8: For her with glee I’d ever strive, / To fill both mouth’s with meat.at meat, n.
1842 ‘The Steam Tool’ Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 14: He would kiss and cuddle them all with glee, / Until they gave him the woeful P.at p, n.
1842 ‘The Wonderful Giant’ in Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 34: Don’t let him plough the deep C.at plough the deep (v.) under plough, v.
1842 ‘Sally May’ Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 8: There’s only one thing now I crave [...] A poke at Sally May.at poke, n.1
1842 ‘I Cannot Take It In’ Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 38: I pricked her in return, / And she fairly took me in.at prick, v.1
1842 ‘Nancy Dawson’ in Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 10: So long as she good ramming got, / All right, says Nancy Dawson.at ram, v.1
1842 ‘Sally May’ in Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 8: But now my Grinding days are done, / My Rogering is past.at rogering, n.
1842 ‘In the Days When We Went Rogering’ in Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 30: Ve roll’d ’em in the haycocks then, / Or in the grass so green.at roll, v.
1842 ‘T--d & the Soap Suds’ Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 6: Oh, dear, sir, how could you, the barber did cry, / Shit in my shop – when the shit-house is nigh?at shit, v.
1842 ‘The T--d and the Soap Suds’ in Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 6: Oh, dear, sir, how could you, the barber did cry, / Shit in my shop – when the shit-house is nigh?at shithouse, n.
1842 ‘Smutty Jonathans’ Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 43: Being friskily inclined, / I met a mot so fair and kind, / When to have a shoot – I did require, / ’Stead of her – I poked it into the fire.at shoot, n.
1842 ‘Sally May’ Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 7: Oh, my Roger now is standing, / For a slap at Sally May.at slap, n.2
1842 ‘Sally May’ in Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 7: She’s slap up, she’s divine, / But her snatch-box is another’s, / It can never be mine.at snatch-box (n.) under snatch, n.
1842 ‘Nancy Dawson’ in Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 10: Then cried my lads, come fire away, / Spank into Nancy Dawson.at spank, adv.
1842 ‘In the Days When We Went Rogering’ Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 31: And curse the cur, whoever he be, / That vouldn’t spend his vhack.at spend, v.
1842 ‘Nancy Dawson’ in Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 9: When he lugged out his marlin spike, / ‘My eye,’ says Nance, ‘’tis what I like’.at spike, n.1
1842 ‘The Copper Stick’ in Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 4: May every woman – when in the nick, / Always find such a funny copper stick.at stick, n.
1842 ‘Nancy Dawson’ Nancy Dawson’s Cabinet of Songs 9: She was such a sprightly lass [...] Shew her your stuff, she’d wag her a--e.at stuff, n.