1866 E. Sellon Phoebe Kissagen n.p.: Cherry[...] was neither flogged nor pinched, but stood behind, cooling my lord’s flayed bumbo with a fan and from time to time squeezing his balls.at bumbo, n.2
1866 E. Sellon Phoebe Kissagen 28: The duke having applied some spittle to her beautiful brown bum hole, easily guided in his long thin prick.at bumhole, n.
1866 E. Sellon Phoebe Kissagen n.p.: He licked her nearly all over-her titties, her cunny, her dimpled bum, arms, face.at cunny, n.
1866 E. Sellon Phoebe Kissagen 39: What shall we do? said Chloe, shall we frig, or shall we gamahuche?at frig, v.
1866 E. Sellon Phoebe Kissagen n.p.: Phoebe, says he, for a jolly good fuck, give me a girl with an arse of her own; none of your flimsy slips of girls.at fuck, n.
1866 E. Sellon Phoebe Kissagen n.p.: Miss Cherry was in the act of horsing the lovely Frolic; while Merry, laughing all the time, rolled up her clothes to her shoulders, and prepared to hoist her feet.at horse, v.
1866 E. Sellon Phoebe Kissagen 33: Now you are in a house full of some of the finest young women in London, who I can assure you are entirely at your command, free of any charge.at house, n.1
1866 E. Sellon Phoebe Kissagen 51: A young girl about fourteen suits me best, as I am not big hung.at hung, adj.
1866 E. Sellon Phoebe Kissagen 33: You are more charming than ever, and I prefer you to all the laced mutton you may have in the house, damme!at laced mutton (n.) under laced, adj.
1866 E. Sellon Phoebe Kissagen 46: [In] spite of her struggles, [he] got his hand up her clothes, and between her legs. Then he let out his magic wand, and put it in her hand.at magic wand (n.) under magic, n.
1866 E. Sellon Phoebe Kissagen 47: Opening a little box of cold cream, he carefully anointed his may-pole, and also her lovely cleft.at maypole, n.
1866 E. Sellon Phoebe Kissagen 34: I being laid on my back, he mounted me [...] Then Chloe, sitting on the head of the sofa, offered him her moss rose.at moss rose (n.) under moss, n.
1866 E. Sellon Phoebe Kissagen n.p.: Then the children, laughing and pushing, seized hold of Mr Peaslin and popped him in.at Mr Peaslin (n.) under Mr, n.
1866 E. Sellon Phoebe Kissagen 35: His prick was still stiff as ever, notwithstanding the spurting shower of love’s nectar, with which he had just refreshed my tulip.at nectar, n.
1866 E. Sellon Phoebe Kissagen n.p.: He took the two little naked girls, placed one astride his pego, while he gamahuched the other.at pego, n.
1866 E. Sellon Phoebe Kissagen 28: Suiting her actions to her words, she wriggled and plunged under his pricker, oh! you do make me spend!at prick, n.
1866 E. Sellon Phoebe Kissagen 39: She, rolling her tongue first down one side of my slit and then down the other, then on the clitoris, then right inside, gave me joy inexpressible.at slit, n.
1866 E. Sellon Phoebe Kissagen n.p.: [She] expanded wide her plump thighs, then seizing on his hard, red-headed staff, she guided the restive steed into the stable.at steed, n.
1866 E. Sellon Phoebe Kissagen 34: Chloe, do you come also; your little quim shall have my tongue, while charming Phoebe takes the sugar stick.at sugar-stick, n.
1866 E. Sellon Phoebe Kissagen 34: [He] let loose his great truncheon, and flung his arms round us both.at truncheon, n.
1866 E. Sellon Phoebe Kissagen 35: His prick was still stiff as ever, notwithstanding the spurting shower of love’s nectar, with which he had just refreshed my tulip.at tulip, n.
1866 E. Sellon Phoebe Kissagen 51: A girl with nice clear skin, pretty plump, and not much hair on her twat.at twat, n.