1992 S.L. Hills Tragic Magic 144: The PC block is where you have not only your rats but also the weak inmates – soft guys [...] and some of your animals are kept in protective custody – guys who can’t be put in the regular prison population.at animal, n.1
1992 S.L. Hills Tragic Magic 2: I was sick as a dog but I had to go out.at …a dog (adj.) under sick as…, adj.
1992 S.L. Hills Tragic Magic 146: The Department of Correctional Services only supplies you with certain things: a towel, a toothbrush, that hardass lye soap.at hard-ass, adj.
1992 S.L. Hills Tragic Magic 8: There was a thing we called booting after you got a hit. A hit is when you get the needle in the vein and booting is allowing the blood to come up and mix with the dope in the eyedropper and pushing this mixture back in the vein several times.at booting, n.3
1992 S.L. Hills Tragic Magic 53: He had a lot of brown dope [...] People were under the false impression that the brown was more pure.at brown, n.
1992 S.L. Hills Tragic Magic 129: I was taking a shower and this big black bruisy dude comes to the front of the shower stall.at bruisy, adj.
1992 S.L. Hills Tragic Magic 29: My teachers used to bug out, because I’d come to school dressed with clothes more expensive than they wore.at bug out, v.2
1992 S.L. Hills Tragic Magic 173: I stopped by Lila’s house, a female customer of mine who was a bull dyke.at bull-dyke, n.
1992 S.L. Hills Tragic Magic 16: You really speed when you go up [...] but then you crash and crash heavy.at crash (out), v.
1992 S.L. Hills Tragic Magic 67: Alvin and I used to [...] pick up the dope and go down to Manhattan to some of the cutting houses.at cut, v.6
1992 S.L. Hills Tragic Magic 172: I was turning in dirty urine samples to my probation officer. Every time he gave me a urine test it would come back with heroin in it.at dirty, adj.
1992 S.L. Hills Tragic Magic 88: A John Doe warrant is when we get a guy selling dope directly to the police. We know his real first and last name. He makes a sale to an undercover cop [...] What you have to do first of all is you’ve got to know the legal first and last name of these pushers.at John Doe, n.
1992 S.L. Hills Tragic Magic 98: You always thought he was a legal eagle and he ain’t shit.at legal eagle, n.
1992 S.L. Hills Tragic Magic 142: The fixer would get things done, like job re-assignments and cell-block changes.at fixer, n.1
1992 S.L. Hills Tragic Magic 145: I’ve seen a change from the James Cagney days when you had to be hard rocks.at hard rock, n.
1992 S.L. Hills Tragic Magic 86: It would be at least six or seven o’clock at night before this TV went on the hot sheet.at hot sheet, n.
1992 S.L. Hills Tragic Magic 101: Yo man, take this shit off me, I’m a free man; take all this iron off me.at iron, n.
1992 S.L. Hills Tragic Magic 91: But if you take the chance and push it all the way to trial, and you lose, they’ll stick it to you.at stick it to (v.) under stick it, v.
1992 S.L. Hills Tragic Magic 159: They had jerked me around on my parole. I had met all the parole conditions, and I was still in prison.at jerk around (v.) under jerk, v.2
1992 S.L. Hills Tragic Magic 137: If they were to go home and examine their own lifestyles [...] the similarities would knock their socks off.at knock the socks off (v.) under knock, v.
1992 S.L. Hills Tragic Magic x: Tragic Magic (a street term for heroin).at tragic magic (n.) under magic, n.
1992 S.L. Hills Tragic Magic 138: When you get to the max joints, you get guys that are doing life.at max, n.