1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] The judge told them to slurp shit and die.at eat shit (and die)!, excl.
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] This wouldn’t be that bizarro thing you were babbling about over the phone last night, would it?at bizarro, adj.
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] I told Dennis if he gives me another political topic, I’d spew burrito chunks.at blow (one’s) chunks (v.) under blow, v.1
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] Don’t blame me, blame Heather. She told me to haul your ass into the caf, pronto.at caf, n.
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] VS: That’s good, but Heather would never use the word ‘myriad’. JD: This is the last thing she’ll ever write – she’ll want to cash in on as many fifty cent words as possible.at fifty-cent word, n.
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] What’s your damage? Brad says you’re being a real kuse.at cooze, n.
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] KK: What did your boyfriend say when you told him you were moving to Sherwood, Ohio? RA: Answer him, dick.at dick, n.1
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] I mean, do you really think if Betty Finns fairy godmother made her cool, she’d still hang out with her dweebette friends?at dweeb, adj.
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] Fuck me gently with a chainsaw. Do I look like Mother Theresa?at fuck me gently with a chainsaw! (excl.) under fuck me!, excl.
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] A serious-as-fuck bomb in the boiler room to set off a pack of thermals upstairs.at as fuck (adv.) under fuck, n.
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] Fuck me gently with a chainsaw. Do I look like Mother Theresa? If I did, I probably wouldn’t mind talking to the geek squad.at geek, adj.1
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] Well maybe we could cough up a phlegm globber or something.at glob, n.
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] Betty Finn was a true friend, and I sold her out for a bunch of Swatch-dogs and Diet Coke-heads.at -head, sfx
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] We’re just gonna write off today, and on Friday Pauline can hold her little ‘love-in’, or whatever.at love-in, n.
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] I’m giving Veronica her shot, her first Remington party. You blow it tonight girl, and it’s ‘keggers with kids’ all next year.at kegger, n.
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] hc: Come on, Veronica. vs: [To JD] Later. jd: Definitely.at later, phr.
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] Great paté, but I gotta motor if I want to be ready for that party tonight.at motor, v.
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] God, Veronica, drool much? His name’s Jason Dean. He’s in my American History.at much, adv.
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] I’d pay Madonna a million bucks to sit on my face and have her ride like the Kentucky derby.at sit on someone’s face (v.) under sit on, v.
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] HM: Do they even have Thanksgiving in Africa? VS: Oh sure, pilgrims, Indians, tater-tots – it’s a real party continent.at party, adj.
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] What did you do, put a phlegm globber in it or something? I’m not gonna drink that piss.at piss, n.
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] 24: Brad-ley, Hennesey’s looking for you. He says he owes you for blow and he just got some product himself.at product, n.
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] That pudwacker just stepped on my foot.at pud-wacker (n.) under pud, n.1
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] I’m telling you man, it would be so righteous to be in a Veronica Sawyer / Heather Chandler sandwich.at sandwich, n.
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] Heather left behind one of her Swatches. She’d want you to have it, Veronica. She always said you couldn’t accessorise for shit.at for shit (adv.) under shit, n.
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] vs: No, my life’s not perfect. I don’t really like my friends. jd: I... I don’t really like your friends either. vs: Well, it’s just like they’re people I work with, and our job is being popular and shit.at and shit under shit, n.
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] Okay, just as long as it’s not one of those nights when they get shit-faced and take us to a pasture to tip cows.at shitfaced, adj.
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] Color me stoked, girl. I’ve gotten everybody to sign this petition.at stoked, adj.
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] OK, I rarely listen to neanderthals like Kurt Kelly, but he said that he and Ram had a nice little sword fight in your mouth last night.at sword fight (n.) under sword, n.
1989 D. Waters Heathers [film script] Some teeny-bopper rag say they want to play a prom.at teenybopper, adj.