Green’s Dictionary of Slang


M., C. Chutney Papers: Society, Shikar, and Sport in India (London 1884)
Maas, Peter Serpico (New York 1973)
Mabbe, James (transl.) The Rogue, or, The Life of Guzman de Alfarache (London 1622)
Macafee, C.I. Concise Ulster Dictionary (Oxford 1996)
McAlary, Mike Buddy Boys (New York 1987)
McAlary, Mike Crack War (New York 1990) [London 1991]
McAlary, Mike Good Cop Bad Cop (New York 1994)
McAleer, John; Dickson, Billy Unit Pride (New York 1967) [London 1981]
McAlmon, Robert A Companion Volume (Dijon, France 1923)
McAlmon, Robert A Hasty Bunch (Paris 1922)
McAlmon, Robert Being Geniuses Together (London 1938)
McAlmon, Robert Distinguished Air (Paris 1925) [New York 1963]
McAlmon, Robert Lodging House (New York c.1925)
McAlmon, Robert Miss Knight (Paris c.1925) [New York 1963]
McAlmon, Robert There Was a Rustle of Black Silk Stockings [short stories] (New York 1963)
McAlmon, Robert Village (Paris 1923)
Mac Anna, Ferdia Cartoon City (London 2000)
Mac Anna, Ferdia The Last of the High Kings (London 1991)
Mac Anna, Ferdia The Ship Inspector (Dublin 1994)
Macardle, John Francis The Moko Marionettes (New York 1880)
McArthur, A.; Long, H. Kingsley No Mean City (London 1935) [reprint London 1978]
MacArthur, Charles War Bugs (London 1929)
McArthur Enquirer (Vinton, OH 1873-1884)
Macarthy, Harry Deeds of Darkness (New York 1867) [New York 1876]
McAtee, W.L. Rural dialect of Grant County, Indiana, in the ’nineties (Washington, DC (?) 1942)
McAughtry, Sam Belfast (Dublin 1981)
McAughtry, Sam Sinking of the Kenbane Head (Belfast 1977)
McAughtry, Sam Touch and Go (Belfast 1993)
Macaulay, Thomas Babington History of England (London 1848)
‘McBain’, ’Ed’ (pseud. Evan Hunter) Cop Hater (New York 1956)
‘McBain, Ed’ (pseud. Evan Hunter) Killer’s Wedge (New York 1959) [London 1981]
‘McBallastir, Cad’ (pseud. T.C. DeLeon) Society as I Have Foundered It (New York 1890)
McBride, Matthew A Swollen Red Sun (New York 2014)
McBride, Matthew Frank Sinatra in a Blender (New York 2012)
McCabe, James D. Lights and Shadows of New York Life (Philadelphia 1872)
McCabe, James D. New York by Sunlight and Gaslight (New York 1882)
McCabe, James D. The Secrets of the Great City (New York 1868)
McCabe, Patrick Breakfast on Pluto (London 1998)
McCabe, Patrick The Butcher Boy (London 1992) [London 1993]
McCabe, Patrick Emerald Germs of Ireland (London 2001)
McCabe, Patrick The Holy City (London 2009)
McCabe, Patrick Mondo Desperado (London 1999)
McCall, Nathan Makes Me Wanna Holler (New York 1994) [New York 1995]
McCall, Nathan Them (New York 2007)
McCardell, Roy Conversations of a Chorus Girl (New York 1903)
McCardell, Roy The Show Girl and Her Friends (New York 1904)
McCarthy, Bill Vice Cop (New York 1991)
McClure, Alexander K. Three Thousand Miles through the Rocky Mountains (Philadelphia, PA 1869)
McClure, James Snake (London 1975)
McClure, James Spike Island (London 1980) [London 1981]
McClure, James Steam Pig (London 1971)
McClure’s Magazine (New York 1893–1926)
McCollum, ‘Buck Private’ L.C. History and Rhymes of the Lost Battalion (written 1922) [Internet:]
McCombie, Thomas Australian Sketches (London 1861)
McConnell, James R. Flying for France (New York 1917)
McConville, Brigid; Shearlaw, John The Slanguage of Sex (London 1984)
McCook Weekly Tribune (McCook, NE fl. 1884-86)
McCormick, Andrew The Tinkler-Gypsies of Galloway (Dumfries 1906)
McCormick, Ian (ed.) Sexual Outcasts 1750–1850 4 vols. (London 2000)
McCourt, James Queer Street (New York 2004)
McCoy, Horace Corruption City (New York 1952) [London 1961]
McCoy, Horace Four Novels by Horace McCoy (New York 1938) [London 1983] (including They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? 1935; Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye 1948)
McCoy, Joseph G. Historic Sketches of the Cattle Trade (Kansas City, MO 1874)
MacCready, William The Irishman in London (London 1793)
MacCuish, David Do Not Go Gentle (London 1960) [London 1962]
McCullers, Carson The Heart is a Lonely Hunter (New York 1943) [London 1986]
McCulloch, Walter F. Woods Words (Portland, OR 1958)
McDermid, Val Forensics (London 2014)
McDermid, Val Insidious Intent (London 2017) [London 2018]
McDermid, Val Out of Bounds (London 2016) [London 2017]
McDermid, Val Star Struck (London 1998) [London 1999]
MacDonagh, Donagh Happy as Larry (Dublin 1946)
McDonald, Damian Luck in the Greater West (Sydney 2001, 2007) [London 2008]
McDonald, James A Dictionary of Obscenity, Taboo and Euphemism (London 1988)
MacDonald, John D. Nightmare in Pink (New York 1964)
MacDonald, John Dann All These Condemned (London 1954) [London 2001]
MacDonald, John Dann The Deep Blue Goodby (New York 1964)
MacDonald, John Dann The Price of Murder (London 1957) [London 1978]
MacDonald, John Dann Slam the Big Door (New York 1960) [New York 1961]
MacDonald, John Ross The Moving Target (London 1951)
Macdonald, Nancy Graffiti Subculture (Basingstoke, UK 2001)
MacDonald, Philip Patrol (London 1927)
McDonald, Roger Rough Wallaby (Sydney 1989)
Macdonell, A[rchibald] G[ordon] England, Their England (London 1933)
Macdonnell, James E. Commander Brady (London 1956)
Macdonnell, James E. Jim Brady (London 1954)
MacDonogh, Gary (ed.) The Florida Negro (Jackson, MS/London 1993)
McDowall, Iain A Study in Death (London 2000)
McEvoy, Joseph P. The Hollywood Girl (London 1930)
McEvoy, Joseph P. Showgirl (London/New York 1928)
McFadden, Cyra The Serial: A Year in the Life Of Marin County (New York 1977) [London 1978]
McFadden, Robert D. Outrage (New York 1990)
Macfall, Haldane The Wooings of Jezebel Pettyfer (London 1898)
MacFie, Matthew Vancouver Island and British Columbia (London 1865)
McGaffey, Kenneth The Sorrows of a Showgirl (New York 1908)
McGhee, Bill Cut and Run (London 1962) [London 1963]
McGill, David Dictionary of Kiwi Slang (Auckland 1988)
McGill, David Reed Dictionary of New Zealand Slang (Auckland 2003)
MacGill, Patrick The Amateur Army (London 1915)
MacGill, Patrick The Great Push (London 1916)
MacGill, Patrick Moleskin Joe (London 1923)
MacGill, Patrick Songs of the Dead End (London 1913)
McGivern, William P. The Big Heat (New York 1953) [Harmondsworth, UK 1957]
McGivern, William P. Soldiers of ’44 (New York 1979)
McGorman, Evan Life in the French Foreign Legion (London 2000)
McGough, Roger An Imaginary Menagerie (London 1988)
McGrath, John Events while Guarding the Bofors Gun (London 1966)
McGrath, Melanie Pie and Mash Down Roman Road (London 2018)
McGrath, Melanie Silvertown (London 2002)
MacGregor, Charlotte Mary The Life and Opinions of Major-General Sir Charles Metcalfe MacGregor (London 1888)
McGregor-Hastie, Roy Compleat Migrant (London 1963)
McGuffin, John In Praise of Poteen (Belfast, UK 1978)
McGuinness, Frank (ed.) The Dazzling Dark: New Irish Plays (London 1996) (including Gina Moxley Danti-Dan; Jimmy Murphy A Picture of Paradise)
Machin, Lewis; Markham, Gervase The Dumbe Knight (London 1608)
‘McHugh, Hugh’ (pseud. George Vere Hobart) Back to the Woods (New York 1902)
‘McHugh, Hugh’ (pseud. George Vere Hobart) Beat It (New York 1907)
‘McHugh, Hugh’ (pseud. George Vere Hobart) Down the Line with John Henry (New York 1901)
‘McHugh, Hugh’ (pseud. George Vere Hobart) Get Next (New York 1905)
‘McHugh, Hugh’ (pseud. George Vere Hobart) Go to It (New York 1908)
‘McHugh, Hugh’ (pseud. George Vere Hobart) I’m from Missouri (New York 1904)
‘McHugh, Hugh’ (pseud. George Vere Hobart) I Need the Money (New York 1903)
‘McHugh, Hugh’ (pseud. George Vere Hobart) It’s Up To You (New York 1902)
‘McHugh, Hugh’ (pseud. George Vere Hobart) John Henry (New York 1901)
‘McHugh, Hugh’ (pseud. George Vere Hobart) Out for the Coin (New York 1903)
‘McHugh, Hugh’ (pseud. George Vere Hobart) Skidoo! (New York 1906)
‘McHugh, Hugh’ (pseud. George Vere Hobart) You Can Search Me (New York 1905)
‘McHugh, Hugh’ (pseud. George Vere Hobart) You Should Worry (NY 1914)
McIlvanney, Liam All the Colours of the Town (London 2009)
McIlvanney, Liam Where the Dead Men Go (London 2013)
McIlvanney, Liam Where the Dead Men Go (London 2013)
Macilwaine, Herbert Dinkinbar (London 1898)
McInerney, Jay Bright Lights, Big City (New York 1984)
McInerney, Lisa The Blood Miracles (London 2017)
McInerney, Lisa The Glorious Heresies (London 2015)
McInerney, Lisa The Rules of Revelation (London 2021)
MacInnes, A.A. Straight as a Line (Melbourne, Australia 1894)
MacInnes, Colin Absolute Beginners (London 1959)
MacInnes, Colin All Day Saturday (London 1966)
MacInnes, Colin City of Spades (London 1957)
MacInnes, Colin England, Half English (London 1956) [London 1960]
MacInnes, Colin Mr Love and Justice (London 1960)
MacInnes, Graham The Road to Gundagai (London 1965)
Macintosh, William Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa (London 1782)
McIntyre, O.O. Bits of New York Life (syndicated columns) (1920-1921)
McIntyre, O.O. New York Day by Day (syndicated columns) (1912-1938)
McIntyre, O.O. White Light Nights (New York 1922-24)
Macintyre, Stuart Militant : the life and times of Paddy Troy (Sydney, Australia 1984)
McIvor Times and Rodney Advertiser (Heathcote, Vic. 1863-1918)
Mack, Ebenezer The Cat-fight a mock heroic poem (New York 1924)
Mackail, Denis The Young Livingstones (London 1930)
Mackay, Charles Life and Liberty (London 1859)
Mackay, Charles Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (London 1841)
McKay, Claude Banana Bottom (New York 1933)
McKay, Claude Banjo (New York 1929)
McKay, Claude Constab Ballads (London 1912)
McKay, Claude Gingertown (New York 1932)
McKay, Claude Harlem Glory (written a.1948; Chicago 1990)
McKay, Claude Home to Harlem (New York 1928)
McKay, Claude Songs from Jamaica (New York 1912)
McKay, Claude Trial by Lynching (Moscow 1925) [Mysore, India 1977]
Mackay, Kenneth Out Back (Sydney/London 1893)
Mackay, Louise Mourne Folk (London 1925)
Mackay, Louise My Oul’ Town (London 1928)
Mackcoull, James Life and Trial of James Mackcoull (Edinburgh 1822)
Mackcoull, John Abuses of Justice (London 1809)
McKee, Margaret; Chisenhall, Fred Beale Black & Blue (Baton Rouge, LA 1981)
Mackeever, Samuel A. Glimpses of Gotham and City Characters (New York 1880)
McKenna, Richard The Sons of Martha (New York 1967)
Mackenzie, Dewitt Hell’s Kitchen (London 1930)
Mackenzie, E.M.Compton Sinister Street (London 1913)
Mackenzie, Henry The Man of Feeling (London 1771)
Mackenzie, Kenneth Living Rough (London 1936)
Mackenzie, Kenneth Theodore A Dragon to Kill (London 1963)
Macklin, Charles Love à la Mode (Dublin 1759)
Macklin, Charles The Man of the World (Dublin 1781)
Macklin, Charles The True-born Irishman (Dublin 1784)
Macklin, Robert The Queenslander (Sydney 1975) [London 1976]
McLachlan, Noel (ed.) The Memoirs of James Hardy Vaux (London 1964; 1st edn 1819)
Maclaren-Ross, Julian Bitten by the Tarantula and Other Writing (London 2005)
Maclaren-Ross, Julian Memoirs of the Forties (London 1965) [London 1984]
Maclaren-Ross, Julian Nine Men of Soho (London 1946)
Maclaren-Ross, Julian Of Love and Hunger (London 1947)
MacLaverty, Bernard Secrets and Other Stories (London 1977)
MacLaverty, Bernard Walking the Dog and Other Stories (London 1994)
McLean, Angus Vive la Legion (London 1937)
Maclean, Duncan Bucket of Tongues (London 1992)
Maclean’s Magazine (Toronto 1905-)
Macleay Chronicle (Kempsey, NSW 1899-1952)
McLellan, George H. Some Phases of Barbados Life (Demerara, British Guiana 1909)
McLeod, Alexander Pigtails and Gold Dust (Caldwell, IN 1947)
McLoughlin, Tim Brooklyn Noir (Brooklyn, NY 2004)
McLoughlin, Tim (ed.) Brooklyn Noir (Brooklyn, NY 2004)
McMagh, Kathleen A Dinner of Herbs (Cape Town 1968)
MacMahon, Brian Children of the Rainbow (London 1952)
MacMahon, Bryan Honey Spike (Dublin 1967)
MacManus, Seamus Rocky Road to Dublin (Dublin 1938)
Macmillan, Charles (ed.) Men of the Underworld (New York 1952)
McMillan, George The Old Breed (Washington, DC 1949)
Macmillan, Michael The Globe Trotter in India two hundred years ago, and other Indian studies (London 1895)
Macmillan’s Magazine (London 1859–1907)
MacMunn, George Vignettes From Indian Wars (London 1932)
McMurtry, Larry Horseman, Pass By (USA 1961) [London 1997]
Macnally, Leonard Fashionable Levities (Dublin 1785)
McNamara, Joseph D. First Directive (New York 1984) [London 1985]
McNamara, Robert P. Sex, Scams, and Street Life (Westport, CT 1996)
McNamara, Robert P. The Times Square Hustler (Westport, CT 1994)
McNamara, Tom Us Boys (syndicated cartoon strip) (New York 1914)
McNaughton, A.J. Diary (from First World War) [Internet:]
MacNeice, Louis Collected Poems (London 1937)
McNeil, Jim (in Brisbane, K. ed. Plays of the 70s) (1974) [Sydney 1999]
McNeil, Jim The Chocolate Frog (Sydney 1973)
McNeil, Jim Collected Plays ed. Katherine Brisbane (Sydney 1986)
McNeill, James How Does Your Garden Grow? (Sydney 1962) [Sydney 1974]
McNeill, James The Old Familiar Juice (Melbourne 1972) [Melbourne 1973]
McNulty, John This Place on Third Avenue (New York 2001)
‘Mac O Bonniclabbero of Drogheda’ Bog Witticisms, or, Dear Joy’s Common-Places (Printed For Evidansh Swear-all in Lack-Plaush Lane) (London c.1687)
Macon Beacon (Macon, MS 1859-1995)
Maconie, Stuart Pies and Prejudice (London 2007) [London 2008]
Macon Republican (Macon, MO 1871-1929)
McPherson, Conor Port Authority (London 2001)
McPherson, Conor The Weir (London 1997)
McQuade, Barbara Attack from Within (New York 2024)
Macquarie Dictionary [Internet:]
MacShane, Denis Prison Diaries (London 2014)
Mac Thomáis, Éamonn Janey Mack, Me Shirt is Black (Dublin 1982)
McWhorter, John Woke Racism (New York 2021)
Madden, Daniel Revelations of Ireland in the Past Generation (Dublin 1848)
Mademoiselle (New York 1935–2001)
Madison Journal (Tallulah, LA 1888-)
Maggin, Elliot S. Superman (London 1978)
Magic Comic (Dundee, UK 1939–41)
The Magnet (London 1908–40)
Magnet Library (London 1915)
Magnus, Maurice Memoirs of the Foreign Legion (London 1924)
Magoffin, Richard D. We Bushies (Ilfracombe, UK 1968)
Maidstone Telegraph (Maidstone, Kent 1859-1871)
Mail (Adelaide, SA 1912-54)
Mail and Guardian (Cape Town, S. Afr. 1985–)
Mail and Guardian (Johannesburg)
Mailer, Norman Advertisments for Myself (New York 1959) [London 1961]
Mailer, Norman The Naked and the Dead (New York 1948) [London 1949]
Mailer, Norman Why Are We in Vietnam? (New York 1967) [London 1970]
Maines, George H.; Grant, Bruce Wise-crack Dictionary (New York 1926)
Mair, James Handbook of Phrases (London 1873)
Mais, Roger Black Lightning (London 1955) [London 1966]
Mais, Roger Brother Man (London 1954) [London 1966]
Mais, Roger The Hills were Joyful Together (London 1953) [London 1966]
Maitland, Derek Breaking Out (New York/London 1979)
Maitland, James American Slang Dictionary (Chicago 1891)
Maitland Mercury (Maitland, NSW 1843-)
Major, Clarence Black Slang: a dictionary of Afro-American talk (London 1971)
Major, Clarence Dictionary of Afro-American Slang (New York 1970/1971)
Major, Clarence Juba to Jive: A Dictionary of African-American Slang (New York 1994)
Malahat Review (Victoria, BC 1967-)
Malamud, Bernard The Tenants (New York 1971) [New York 1972]
Malan, Rian My Traitor’s Heart (London 1990) [London 1991]
Malan, Robin (ed.) Modern Short Stories from Southern Africa (Cape Town 1994)
Malaviya, K.D. Open Rebellion in the Punjab (Allahabad 1919)
Malay Mail (Kuala Lumpur 1896–)
Malcolm, James P. Anecdotes of Manners and Customs of London during the Eighteenth Century (London 1808)
Maledicta Press [Internet] (1997–)
Maledicta: the Interrnational Journal of Verbal Aggression (Waukesha, WI 1977-2004)
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Malkin, Benjamin Heath (transl.) The Adventures of Gil Blas (London 1809) [London 1822]
Malloy, Ione Southie Won’t Go (Urbana, IL 1986)
Maloney, Shane The Big Ask (Melbourne, 2000)
Maloney, Shane The Brush-Off (Melbourne 1996) [New York 1998]
Maloney, Shane Nice Try (Melbourne 1998) [New York 2000]
Maloney, Shane Something Fishy (Melbourne 2002) [London 2006]
Maloney, Shane Stiff (Melbourne 1994) [New York 1999]
Maloney, Shane Sucked In (Melbourne, 2007)
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Malouf, David Johnno (Australia 1975) [St Lucia, Queensland, Australia 1990]
Malvery, Olive C. The Soul Market (London 1906)
Mamet, David Glengarry Glen Ross (New York 1983)
Mamet, David Sexual Perversity in Chicago (New York 1974) [in D. Mamet Plays: One London 1994]
Mammoth Detective (New York 1942–7)
Man about Town (London 1869-1870)
Manchester Courier (Manchester, Lancs. 1825-1903)
Manchester Democrat (Manchester, IA 1875-1930)
Manchester Evening News (Manchester, Lancs. 1868-)
Manchester Journal (Manchester, VT 1861-)
Manchester Mercury (Manchester, Lancs. 1752-1830)
Manchester Spy (Manchester NH fl. 1850-1851)
Manchester Times (Manchester, Lancs. 1828-1922)
Manchon, J. Le Slang: Lexique d’Anglais Familier et Vulgaire (Paris, France 1923)
Mandel, George Flee the Angry Strangers (New York 1952)
Mandel, George The Wax Boom (New York/London 1962)
Mandel, Paul Mainside (New York 1962)
Mandelkau, Jamie Buttons: The Making of a President (London 1971)
Mandeville, Bernard A modest defence of publick stews; or, An essay upon whoring, as it is now practis’d in these kingdoms (London 1725)
Mangan, Richard (ed.) John Gielgud’s Letters (London 2004)
Manington, George A Soldier of the Legion (London 1907)
Manley, D. The Lost Lover, or, The Jealous Husband (London 1696)
Manly, Stanley Raiders of the Low Forehead (London 1999)
Mann, Cecil (ed.) Coast to Coast (Sydney 1941)
Mann, Cecil Light in the Valley (Sydney, Australia)
Mann, Cecil Three Stories (Sydney 1963)
Mann, Leonard Flesh in Armour (Melbourne 1932) [Columbia, SC 2008]
Manning, Frederic Her Privates We (London 1929) [London 1986]
Manning, Mark Get Your Cock Out (London 2000)
Manning, Olivia The Battle Lost and Won (London 1978)
Manning, Olivia The Danger Tree (London 1977)
Manning, Olivia The Sum of Things (London 1980)
Mannix, Dan The Sword-Swallower (London 1951)
The Man of Pleasure’s Illustrated Pocket-book for 1850 ‘displaying at one glance the varied attractions of this great metropolis : with correct details of the saloons, club & night houses, ball, concert & billiard rooms, casinos, comical clubs, theatres, introducing houses ... rendering it a complete and gentlemanly night guide ... : enclosed in a secret pocket are cards of address of a select few attractive lasses ... with some "shields" for Cyprian war : enriched with forty splendid engravings’ (London 1850)
Manone, Wingy; Vandervoort, Paul Trumpet on the Wing (New York 1948)
Manser, Martin H. A Dictionary of Contemporary Idioms (London 1983)
Mansfield, Katherine Bliss and Other Stories (London 1918)
Mansfield, Robert B. School-Life at Winchester College (London 1866) [London 1870]
Mansfield Advertiser (Mansfield, PA 1873-1973)
Mansfield News (Mansfield, OH) [7 Dec. 1912]
Manson, George S. Cooparoo Blues (Portland, OR 2012)
Manson, George S. The Irish Fandango (Portland, OR 2012)
Mantel, Hilary Beyond Black (London 2005)
Mantell, Laurie Murder and Chips (London 1980)
Mantell, Laurie Murder to Burn (London 1983)
Manus, Willard Mott the Hoople (London 1967)
Maple, Jack The Crime Fighter (New York 1999)
Marble Hill Press (Marble Hill, MO 1881-1923)
March, Joseph M. The Wild Party (London 1928)
Marcinko, Richard Rogue Warrior (New York 1992) [London 1993]
Marcy, Randolph B. Thirty Years of Army Life on the Border (New York 1866)
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Margulies, Leo (ed.) Back Alley Jungle (London 1963)
Mariello, Alissa Dirty Dictionaries [Internet] (?2003)
Marietta Daily Leader (Marietta, OH 1895-1906)
Marion Daily Mirror (OH 1892-1912)
Marion Daily Star (Marion, OH 1877–)
Marion Star (Marion, OH 1926-)
Marjoribanks, Alexander Travels in New South Wales (London 1847)
Markey, Joseph I. From Iowa to the Philippines (Red Oak, IA 1900)
Marks, Patricia (ed.) The ’Arry Ballads (Jefferson, NC/London 2006)
Marks, Percy The Plastic Age (London 1924)
Marlborough Express (Blenheim, N.Z. 1866-)
Marlowe, Christopher Elegies of Ovid (London a.1593)
Marlowe, Christopher The Jew of Malta (London c.1592)
Marlowe, Christopher The Lascivious Queen (London 1657)
Marlowe, Christopher The Tragical History of Dr Faustus (London 1604)
Marlowe, Dan J. The Vengeance Man (Berkeley, CA 1966) [Eureka, CA 2007]
Marlowe, Kenneth Mr Madam (Los Angeles 1965) [London 1967]
Marmion, Shakerley A Fine Companion (London 1633)
Marmion, Shakerley The Antiquary (London 1641)
Marmion, Shakerley The Soddered Citizen (London 1660)
Marples, Morris Public School Slang (London 1940)
Marples, Morris University Slang (London 1940)
Marquand, John P. Polly Fulton (London 1947)
Marriner, Craig Southern Style (Auckland 2006)
Marriott-Watson, H.B. Web of the Spider (London 1891)
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Marryat, Frederick Mr Midshipman Easy 3 vols. (London 1836)
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Marryat, Frederick Percival Keene (London 1842)
Marryat, Frederick Peter Simple (London 1834) [London 1911]
Marryat, Frederick Poor Jack (London 1840)
Marryat, Frederick Poor Jack (London 1840)
Marryat, Frederick Snarleyyow (London 1837)
Marsh, Ngaio Death in Ecstasy (London 1936)
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Marsh, Ngaio Final Curtain (London 1947) [London 1958]
Marsh, Richard The Beetle (London 1897)
Marsh, Richard Crime and the Criminal (London 1897)
Marshall, Alan Tell Us About the Turkey, Jo [short stories] (Sydney/London 1946)
Marshall, Alan These Are My People (Melbourne 1944) [London 1957]
Marshall, Bruce George Brown’s Schooldays (London 1946)
Marshall, Edison Gypsy Sixpence (New York 1949)
Marshall, Jock; Drysdale, Russell Journey among Men (London 1962)
Marshall, Matt Tramp-Royal on the Toby (London 1933)
Marshall, Matt Travels of Tramp-Royal (London 1932)
Marshall, Owen The Ace of Diamonds Gang and Other Stories (Dunedin, New Zealand 1993)
Marshall, Paule Brown Girl, Brownstones (New York 1959) [London 1960]
Marshall, Vance Jail From Within (Sydney 1918) [Sydney 1969]
Marshall, Vance World of the Living Dead (Sydney 1919) [Sydney 1969]
Marshall, W.F. Livin’ in Drumlister (Belfast 1983)
Marshall County Republican (Plymouth, IN 1856-78)
Marshall News Messenger (Marshall, TX fl. 1987)
The Marshall Project [Internet] (2013–)
Marshall Republican (Saline Co., MO 1899-1914)
Marshburn, Joseph; Velie, Alan Blood and knavery; a collection of English Renaissance pamphlets and ballads of crime and sin (Rutherford, NJ 1973)
Marshfield News Herald (Marshfield, WI 1927-)
Marston, John (ed.) Antonio’s Revenge (London 1600)
Marston, John The Dutch Curtezan (London 1605)
Marston, John The Fawne (London 1606)
Marston, John The Insatiate Countesse (London 1613)
Marston, John Jacke Drums Entertainment (London 1601)
Marston, John The Malcontent (London 1604)
Marston, John The Metamorphosis of Pigmalions and Certain Satyres (London 1598)
Marston, John Scourge of Villainie (London 1598)
Marston, John What You Will (London 1607)
Martin, Benjamin Lingua Britannica reformata : or, a new English dictionary (London 1749) [London 1754]
Martin, Bernard Poor Bloody Infantry (London 1987)
Martin, Charles Lee A Sketch of Sam Bass (Dallas, TX 1880) [Norman, OK]
Martin, David Hero of Too (Melbourne 1965)
Martin, Robert Montgomery The History, Antiquities, Topography, and Statistics of Eastern India (London 1838)
Martin, Theodore; Aytoun, William E. (eds.) Bon Gaultier Ballads (London 1845)
Martin, Troy Kennedy Z Cars (London 1963)
Martyn, Frederic Life in the Legion (New York 1911)
Marvel (London 1900–20)
Marvell, Andrew Poems and Satires ed. G.A. Aitken 2 vols. (London 1892)
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Marx, Groucho The Groucho Letters (New York 1967) [London 1969]
Maryborough Chronicle (Maryborough, Qld 186-1954)
The Maryland journal, and the Baltimore advertiser (Baltimore, MD 1773-94)
Marysville Evening Democrat (Marysville CA 1898-1905)
Marysville Herald (Marysville, CA 1857-58)
Masefield, John Everlasting Mercy (London 1911)
Masefield, John Salt-Water Ballads (London 1902)
Mason, Bobby Ann Shiloh (New York 1982)
Mason, Bruce Awatea (Wellington 1969) [Wellington 1978]
Mason, David Marching With the Devil (Sydney 2010)
Mason, Francis van W. (ed.) The Fighting American (London 1945)
Mason City Globe-Gazette (Mason City, IA 1896-1964)
Masonic Mirror, and Mechanic’s Intelligencer (Boston, MA 1824-1828)
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