Green’s Dictionary of Slang


C., I. Two Merry Milke-Maids (London 1619-20)
C., R. Times’ Whistle (London 1616)
Cabell, James Branch Gallantry (New York 1907)
Cabinet of Venus (London 1896)
Cable, Boyd The Old Contemptibles (London 1919)
Cable, George Washington John March, Southerner (New York 1894)
Cade, Toni (ed.) Black Women (New York 1970)
Cadiz Sentinel (Cadiz, OH 1864-1911)
Cage, Ken Gayle: the Language of Kinks and Queens (Houghton, South Africa 2003)
Cain, George Blueschild Baby (New York 1970)
Cain, James M. The Five Great Novels of James M. Cain (London 1985) (including Butterfly 1947; Double Indemnity 1936; Mildred Pierce 1941; Postman Always Rings Twice 1934; Serenade 1937)
Cain, James M. Moth (New York 1948) [London 1950]
‘Cain, Paul’ Fast One (NY 1933)
‘Cain, Paul’ Omnibus (New York 2006)
Caine, Hall The Deemster (London 1887)
Cairns Post (Cairns, Queensland 1884-)
Cairo Bulletin (Cairo, IL 1872-78)
Cairo Daily Bulletin (Cairo, IL 1870-1872)
Cairo Evening Bulletin (Cairo, IL 1868-70)
‘Calabar’, ‘Old’ (pseud. Theobald Raoul Williams) Won in a Canter 3 vols. (London 1874)
Calcutta Magazine and Monthly Register (Calcutta 1830-1832)
Calcutta Review (Calcutta 1844-)
Caldwell, Erskine The Bastard (London 1929) [London 1963]
Caldwell, Erskine Poor Fool (New York 1930) [London 1963]
Caldwell, Erskine Tobacco Road (London 1934) [London 1958]
Caldwell Advance (Caldwell, KS 1894-1918)
Caldwell Tribune (Caldwell, ID 1928-1954)
Caledonian Mercury (Edinburgh, Scotland 1720-1867)
Calgary Herald (Calgary, Alberta 1883-)
Califia, Pat Macho Sluts (London 1988)
Californian Courier (1850)
California Police Gazette (San Francisco, CA 1854-18??)
Call (Perth, WA 1920-1953)
Call, William Timothy Josh Hayseed in New York (New York 1887)
Callahan, Jack Man’s Grim Justice (New York 1928)
Call-Leader (Elwood, IN 1894-)
Calloway, Cab Hi De Ho (New York 1938)
Calloway, Cab Of Minnie the Moocher and Me (New York 1976) (including The New Cab Calloway’s Hepsters Dictionary 1944)
Calt, Stephen I’d Rather Be the Devil (New York 1994)
Calverley, Charles S. The Complete Works (London 1901)
Cambria Freeman (Edensburg, PA 1867-1938)
Cambridge Chronicle (Cambridge, 1813-1831)
Cambridge Daily News (Cambridge 1889-1939)
Cambridge Independent Press (Cambridge, c. 1800-1934)
Camden Chronicle (Camden, TN 1890-)
Camden Commercial Courier (Camden, SC 1837-1838)
Camden New Journal (London 1982–)
Camden (Weekly) Journal (Camden, SC 1836-1851)
Cameron, Ian; Bannerman, W.B. Murder in the Legion (London 1937)
Cameron, Jeremy Brown Bread in Wengen (London 1999)
Cameron, Jeremy Hell on Hoe Street (London 2002)
Cameron, Jeremy It Was an Accident ... (London 1996)
Cameron, Jeremy Vinnie Got Blown Away (London 1995)
Cameron, Lou The Dirty War of Sergeant Slade (New York 1966) [London 1967]
Cameron County Press (Emporium, PA 1866-1922)
Caminada, Jerome Twenty-Five Years of Detective Life 2 vols. (Manchester/London 1895/1901)
Cammell, Donald Performance [film script] (London 1968)
Campbell, A.L. Tom Bowling (London 1830)
Campbell, Alistair Island To Island (Christchurch 1984)
Campbell, Calder Rough Recollections of Rambles, Abroad and at Home 3 vols. (London 1847)
Campbell, Colin Narrative of the Indian Revolt (London 1858)
Campbell, Duncan That Was Business, This Is Personal (London 1990)
Campbell, Helen; Knox, Thomas W.; Byrnes, Thomas Darkness and Daylight in New York (Hartford, CT 1892)
Campbell, James Gate Fever (London 1986)
Campbell, Jean Babe is Wise (London 1939)
Campbell, John M.; Campbell, Donna War Paint (Shrewsbury 1990)
Campbell, Robert The 600lb Gorilla (New York 1987) [Sarasota, FL 1999]
Campbell, Robert Alice In La-La Land (New York 1987) [Sarasota, FL 1999]
Campbell, Robert Hip-Deep in Alligators (New York 1987) [Sarasota, FL 1999]
Campbell, Robert In La-La Land We Trust (New York 1986) [Sarasota, FL 1999]
Campbell, Robert The Junkyard Dog (New York 1986) [Sarasota, FL 1999]
Campbell, Robert Sweet La-La Land (New York 1990) [Sarasota, FL 1999]
Campbell, Robert The Wizard of La-La Land (New York 1995) [Sarasota, FL 1999]
Camperdown Chronicle (Camperdown, Vic. 1877-1954)
Canberra Times (1926-1995)
Candler, Edmund Youth and the East (London 1924)
Canfield, Chauncey L. The Diary of a Forty-Niner (New York/San Francisco 1906)
‘Cannon, Curt’ (pseud. Evan Hunter) I Like ’Em Tough (New York 1958)
Canterbury Journal & Kentish Times (Canterbury, Kent 1836-1911)
Canton Times (Canton, MS 1893-1906)
Cape Argus (Cape Town 1857–)
Cape Girardeau Democrat (Cape Girardeau, MO 1876-1909)
Cape Herald (Cape Town, S. Africa )
Cape Times (Cape Town 1876–)
Capital Journal (Salem, OR 1903-1919.)
Capital Journal (Salem, OR 1893-1895)
Capka, Jo Red Sky at Night (London 1958)
Capote, Truman Breakfast at Tiffany’s (New York 1958) [London 1961]
Capote, Truman In Cold Blood (New York 1965)
Capp, Bernard When Gossips Meet (Oxford 2003)
Capricornian (Rockhampton, Queensland 1875-1929)
Caprio, Frank S. Female Homosexuality (New York 1954)
The Captain (London 1899-1924)
Captain Billy’s Whiz Bang (Robbinsdale, MN 1919-193?)
Caputo, Philip A Rumor of War (New York 1977)
Carboni, Raffaello Eureka Stockade (Ballarat 1855) [Melbourne 1963]
Cardiff Times (Cardiff, Wales 1857-1955)
Carew, Bampfylde Moore The Gypsey of the Glen (London 1830)
Carew, Bampfylde Moore Life and Adventures of Bampfylde Moore Carew (London 1750–1882)
Carew, F.W. Autobiography of a Gipsey (London 1891)
Carew, Richard Estienne’s World of Wonders (translation) (London 1607)
Carew, Richard Examen de ingenios : the examination of mens wits : in which by discovering the varietie of natures is shewed for what profession each one is apt, and how far he shall profit therein (translation) (London 1594)
Carew, Thomas A Rapture (London c.1624) [London 1927]
Carey, Arthur Memoirs of a Murder Man (New York 1930)
Carey, David Life in Paris (London 1822)
Carey, George Gibson A Sailor’s Songbag : an American Rebel in an English Prison, 1777-1779 (Amherst, MA 1976)
Carey, George S. The dupes of fancy, or, Every man his hobby (London 1792)
Carey, George S. One Thousand Eight Hundred (A Choice Collection of Favourite Songs) (London 1800)
Carey, Henry The Dragon of Wantley (London 1737)
Carey, Henry The Honest Yorkshire-Man (London c.1775)
Carey, Mark ‘Bad News’ (New York 2016)
Carey, Peter Illywhacker (New York 1985)
Carey, Peter The Tax Inspector (London 1991) [London 1992]
Carey, Peter Theft (London 2006)
Carey, Thomas Joseph Hebrew Yarns and Dialect Humor (New York 1900)
Carey, W.H. The Good Old Days of Honorable John Company (Calcutta 1906)
Carins, Gareth Diary of a Legionnaire (London 2007)
Carleton, Henry Guy The Thompson Street Poker Club: From ‘Life’ (New York, 1884)
Carleton, James H. The Prairie Logbooks 1844–45 (Chicago 1943) [Lincoln, NE 1983]
Carleton, William Traits and Stories of Irish Peasantry (1st series 2 vols. Dublin 1830; 2nd series 3 vols. Dublin 1833)
Carlin, George The Official Home of George Carlin [Internet] (1999–)
Carlisle Journal (Carlisle, Cumbria 1833-1866)
Carlisle Patriot (Carlisle, Cumbria 1815-1910)
Carlisle Weekly Herald (Carlisle, PA 1891-1909)
Carlsbad Current (Carlsbad NM 1889-)
Carlton, Robert The New Purchase 2 vols. (New York 1843)
Carlyle, Thomas The Diamond Necklace (London 1837)
Carlyle, Thomas Occasional Discourse on the Nigger Question (London 1853)
Carmichael, Hoagy; Longstreet, Stephen Sometimes I Wonder (New York 1965)
Caron, Roger Go-Boy (Toronto/New York 1978) [London 1979]
Carpenter, Andrew (ed.) Verse in English from 18th century Ireland (Cork 1998)
Carpenter, Andrew (ed.) Verse in English from Tudor and Stuart Ireland (Cork 2003)
Carpenter, Andrew (ed.) Verse travesty in Restoration Ireland: Purgatorium Hibernicum and The Fingallian Travesty (( (Dublin c. 1670) [Irish Manuscripts Commission Dublin 2013]
Carr, Caleb Angel of Darkness (New York 1998)
Carr, Cynthia Our Town (New York 2006)
Carr, James Bad (London 1975) [London 1995]
Carr, Robert The Rampant Age (London 1928)
Carr, Rocky Brixton Bwoy (London 1998)
Carr, William Dialect of Craven in West Riding of Yorkshire 2 vols. (London 1828)
Carrick, James A Compleat and True Account of all the Robberies committed by James Carrick, John Malhoni, and their Accomplices (London 1722)
Carrizozo Outlook (Carrizozo, NM 1915-1921)
Carroll, Jim The Basketball Diaries (Bolinas, CA 1978)
Carroll, J.M. (ed.) Benteen-Goldin Letters (New York 1896)
‘Carroll’, ‘Lewis’ (pseud. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (London 1866)
‘Carroll’, ‘Lewis’ (pseud. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) Through the Looking Glass (London 1871)
Carroll Free Press (Carrollton, OH 1834-1861)
Carrollton Sun (Jefferson, LA fl. 1850s)
Carruth, Fred Hayden The Voyage of the Rattletrap (New York 1897)
Carson, Tom Twisted Kicks (Glen Ellen, CA 1981)
Carson City Daily Appeal (Carson City, NV 1907-1930)
Carstairs, Paddy The Concrete Kimono (London 1965)
Carstairs, Paddy No Wooden Overcoat (London 1959)
Carter, John H. The Log of Commodore Rollingpin (London/New York 1874)
Carter, Robert Goldthwaite Four Brothers in Blue (Austin, TX 1978)
Carter, Rubin The Sixteenth Round (New York 1974) [Toronto 1991]
Cartwright, William The Ordinary (London c.1635)
Cartwright, William The Royal Slave (London 1636)
Caruthers, William A. The Kentuckian in New York (New York 1834)
Carver, Raymond Stories of Raymond Carver (New York 1976) [New York 1985]
Cary, Henry N. The Slang of Venery (Chicago 1916)
Cary, Henry N. Synonyms of the Slang of Venery (Chicago 1916)
Cary, Joyce Herself Surprised (London 1941) [London 1955]
Cary, Joyce The Horse’s Mouth (London 1944) [London 1948]
Cary, Joyce Mister Johnson (London 1939) [London 1952]
Cary, Joyce The Moonlight (London 1946) [London 1995]
Caserta, Peggy Going Down With Janis (New York 1974)
Casey, Gavin It’s Harder for Girls and Other Stories (Sydney/London 1942)
Casey, Gavin Snowball (Sydney 1958)
Casey, Michael Obscenities (New Haven, CT 1972)
Casey, Patrick; Casey, Terence The Gay-cat (New York 1921)
Cash, Martin Life and Adventures of Martin Cash in Tasmania in 1843 ed. J.L. Burke (Hobart Town, Australia 1870) [Internet] (‘The Language of Craps’) (2002)
Cassady, Neal The First Third (San Francisco 1971)
Cass City Republican (Dowagiac, MI )
Cass County Republican (Dowagiac, MI 18??-1880 )
Cassidy, Frederic Gomes Jamaica Talk (London 1961) [London 1971]
Cassidy, Frederic Gomes; LePage, R.B. Dictionary of Jamaican English 2nd edn (Cambridge, UK 1980)
Cassidy, Frederic Gomes; Hall, Joan Houston; von Schneidermesser, Luanne (eds.) Dictionary of American Regional English (DARE) 6 vols. (Cambridge, MA 1985–2013)
Castleman, Craig Getting Up: Subway Graffiti In New York (New York 1982)
The Castlereagh (Gilgandra, NSW 1905-1907)
Catholic Advocate (Brisbane, Qld 1911-1928)
Catholic Telegraph (Dublin 1852-1867)
Catholic World (Paramus, NJ 1865-)
Cat Howell’s Book of Naughty Nomenclature and Filthy Phrases [Internet] (?1991)
Catnach, James (ed.) Tom and Jerry’s Rambles Through Paris (London 1823)
Catoctin Clarion (Mechanicstown, MD 1871-1940)
Caucasian (Clinton, NC 188?-1913)
Caudwell, Sarah The Shortest Way to Hades (London 1984) [London 1986]
Caulfield, James Blackguardiana (London 1793)
Caulfield, Malachy Francis The Black City (London 1952)
Caunitz, William J. One Police Plaza (London 1984)
‘Caustic, Christopher’ (pseud. Thomas G. Fessenden) Petition Against Tractorising Trumpery (London 1803)
Cavalier, Z.L. The Soul of the Orient (London 1913)
Cavendish, William The Triumphant Widow (London 1674)
Cavendish, William The Variety (London 1639-42)
Cayton’s Weekly (Seattle, WA 1916-1921)
Cea, Robert No Lights, No Sirens (New York 2005)
Censor or Satirical Times (London 1846)
Centlivre, Susanna A Bickerstaff’s Burying (London 1710)
Centlivre, Susanna A Bold Stroke for a Wife (London 1718)
Centlivre, Susanna Artifice (London 1722)
Centlivre, Susanna A Wife Well Manag’d (London 1715)
Centlivre, Susanna The Beau’s Duel (London 1702)
Centlivre, Susanna The Busy Body (London 1709)
Centlivre, Susanna The Gamester (London 1704)
Centlivre, Susanna The Gotham Election (London 1715)
Centlivre, Susanna The Wonder! (London 1714)
Centlivre, Susanna The Works of the Celebrated Mrs Centlivre ed. J. Knapton 3 vols. (London 1761)
Centralia Chronicle Advertiser (Centralia, WA fl. 1935-7)
Centralian Advocate ((Alice Springs, NT, Australia 1947-1954 )
Central New Jersey Home News (New Brunswick, NJ 1985-)
Central Queensland Herald (Rockhampton, Qld, Australia 1930-56)
Central Record (Lancaster, KY 1898-)
Centre Democrat (Bellefonte, PA 1834-1846)
Century Dictionary (New York 1889–91; London 1899; Supplement 2 vols. 1909)
Century Magazine (New York 1881–1930)
Cerf, Bennett Anything For a Laugh (New York 1946)
Cerulli, Dom (ed.) The Jazz Word (New York 1960)
Cessnock Eagle and South Maitland Recorder (Cessnock, NSW 1915-1934)
Chadzynski, Martin Runaway (New York 1979)
Chalmers, Alexander (ed.) The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper 21 vols. (London 1810)
Chamales, Tom T. Never So Few (New York 1957) [London 1958]
Chamberlayne, William Love’s Victory (London 1658)
Chambers, Robert W. The Common Law (London 1911)
Chamber’s Edinburgh Journal (Edinburgh 1832-1854)
Chambers’s Journal (Edinburgh 1832-1956)
Chamier, Frederick Ben Brace : the last of Nelson's Agamemnons (London 1836)
Champion (Melbourne 1895-1897)
Champion (Southport, Lancs 1836-40)
Champion, Harry Music Hall Songs and Monologues (late 19C-1940s)
Champion, Sarah (ed.) Disco Biscuits (London 1997)
Chandler, Raymond The Big Sleep (New York 1939) [Harmondsworth, UK 1948]
Chandler, Raymond Farewell, My Lovely (New York 1940) [Harmondsworth, UK 1949]
Chandler, Raymond The High Window (New York 1942) [Harmondsworth, UK 1951]
Chandler, Raymond The Lady in the Lake (New York 1943) [Harmondsworth, UK 1952]
Chandler, Raymond The Little Sister (New York 1949) [Harmondsworth, UK 1955]
Chandler, Raymond The Long Good-Bye (New York 1953)
Chandler, Raymond The Notebooks of Raymond Chandler ed. Frank MacShane (New York 1976)
Chandler, Raymond Pearls Are a Nuisance (Harmondsworth 1964)
Chandler, Raymond Playback (New York 1958)
Chandler, Raymond Raymond Chandler Speaking (New York 1962)
Chandler, Raymond Red Wind (New York 1946)
Chandler, Raymond Spanish Blood (New York 1946)
Chanute Times (Chanute, KS 1897-1913)
Chapin, Harold Soldier and Dramatist (London 1916)
Chapman, George Revenge for Honour (London 1637-41)
Chapman, George Two Wise Men and All the Rest Fooles (London 1619)
Chapman, Graham; Cleese et al., John The Life of Brian (film script) (London 1979)
Chapman, Robert L. New Dictionary of American Slang (New York 1986)
Chapman, Thomas All Fooles (London 1605)
Chapman, Thomas Blind Beggar of Alexandria (London 1596)
Chapman, Thomas The Gentleman Usher (London 1606)
Chapman, Thomas Humourous Days Mirth (London 1599)
Chapman, Thomas May-Day (London 1611)
Chapman, Thomas Widows Tears (London 1612)
Chapman, Thomas; Jonson, Ben Eastward Ho! (London 1605)
Chapman, Thomas; Shirley, James The Ball (London 1639)
Chapman, Victor Letters from France (New York 1917)
Chapple, Steve; Talbot, David Burning Desires (New York 1989)
Chariton Courier (Keytesville, MO 1878-)
Charles, Joe Black Billy Tea – New Zealand Ballads (Christchurch/London/Sydney 1981)
Charles, Ray Brother Ray ed. David Ritz (New York 1978)
Charleston Daily Mail (Charleston, WV 1914–)
Charleston Daily News (Charleston, SC 1865-73)
Charleville Times (Brisbane, Qld 1896-1954)
Charlevoix County Herald (East Jordan, MI 189?-1953)
Charlotte Democrat (Charlotte, NC 1870-1897)
Charlotte Observer (Charlotte, NC 1886-)
Charter (London 1839-40)
‘Charteris, Leslie’ Enter the Saint (London 1930)
Charters, Ann (ed.) Jack Kerouac: Selected Letters (Vol. I 1940–1956) (New York 1995)
Charters, Ann (ed.) Jack Kerouac: Selected Letters (Vol. II 1957–1969) (New York/London 1999)
Charters, Ann (ed.) Penguin Book of the Beats (London 1993)
Charters, Ann (ed.) The Ragtime Songbook (New York 1965)
Charters, Samuel The Country Blues (New York 1959)
Charyn, Jerome Marilyn The Wild (New York 1974) [London 2003]
Charyn, Jerome Once Upon a Droshky (New York 1964)
Chase, James Hadley The Fast Buck (London 1952)
Chatterton, Thomas Miscellanies in Prose and Verse (London 1778)
Chatwin, Bruce The Songlines (London 1987) [London 1998]
Chaucer, Geoffrey The Complete Works ed. Walter William Skeat (Oxford 1952)
Chaucer, Geoffrey The Reeve’s and the Cook’s Prologue and Tale ed. A.C. Spearing, J.E. Spearing (Cambridge, UK 1979)
Cheadle, Walter Journal of Trip Across Canada 1862–3 (Ottowa 1931)
‘Cheem, Aliph’ (pseud. Walter S. Yeldham) Lays of Ind (expanded 1875) (Bombay 1872) [London 1905 (11th edn)]
Cheevers, Norman A Manual of Medical Jurisprudence for India (Calcutta 1870)
Chein, Isidor et al. The Road to H (London 1964)
Chelmsford Chronicle (Chelmsford, Essex 1783-1882)
Cheltenham Chronicle (Cheltenham, Gloucs. 1860)
Chen, Willi Chutney Power and Other Stories (Oxford 2006)
Chen, Willi The King of the Carnival (London 1988)
Cherrill, Amy L. Story of a New Zealand Sheep Farm (Tunbridge Wells, UK 1950)
Cherry, Mike On High Steel (New York 1974)
Cherry-Garrard, Apsley The Worst Journey in the World (London 1922) [London 1937]
Chesebro, James W. (ed.) Gayspeak (New York 1981)
Cheshire Observer (Chester, Cheshire 1854-1918)
Chesney, Kellow The Victorian Underworld (London 1970)
Chesnutt, Charles The Colonel’s Dream (London 1905)
Chesnutt, Charles The Conjure Woman (London 1899)
Chesnutt, Charles The House Behind the Cedars (London 1900) [London 1995]
Chessman, Caryl Cell 2455 (New York 1954)
Chester, George R. Five Thousand an Hour: how Johnny Gamble won the heiress (New York 1912)
Chester Chronicle (Chester 1825-1861)
Chester Courant (Chester, UK 1793-1984)
Chesterfield Advertiser (Chesterfield, Derbyshire 2012-)
Chesterton, G.L. Revelations of Prison Life (London 1856)
Chettle, Henry Kind-Harts Dreame (London 1592)
Chettle, Henry The Tragedy of Hoffman (London 1631)
Chevalier, Albert Before I Forget (London 1901)
Chevigny, Paul Police Power (New York 1969)
Cheyenne Transporter (Darlington, Indian Territory 1879-1886)
Cheyney, Peter Dames Don’t Care (London 1937) [London 1960]
Cheyney, Peter Don’t Get Me Wrong (London 1939) [London 1956]
Cheyney, Peter I’ll Say She Does! (London 1945) [London 1955]
Cheyney, Peter You Can Always Duck (London 1943) [London 1959]
Chicago Daily Mail (Chicago, IL fl. 1935)
Chicago Daily News (Chicago, IL 1876-1978)
Chicago Daily Tribune (Chicago, IL 1872-1963)
Chicago Defender (Chicago, IL 1905-)
Chicago Eagle (IL 1889-194?)
Chicago Herald-American (IL 1939-53)
Chicago Record-Herald (IL 1901-14)
Chicago Republican (IL 1865-72)
Chicago Sporting Gazette (IL fl. 1870s)
Chicago Street Gazette (Chicago, IL fl. 1870s) [1877]
Chicago Sun-Times (Chicago, IL 1948-)
Chicago Times (Chicago, IL 1861-81)
Chicago Tribune (Chicago, IL 1847-)
Chickasha Daily Express (Chickasha, OK 1899-)
Chicken, Edward The Collier’s Wedding (London 1764)
Chieftain (Socorro, NM 1902-1959)
Childress, Alice Like One of the Family (New York 1956)
Chillicothe Constitution (Chillicoth, MO 1860-)
Chin, Gabriel J. New York City Police Corruption Investigations, 1894-1994 (Buffalo, NY 1997)
Chipper, Arthur Aussie Swearers Guide (Melbourne, Australia 1972)
Chisholm, Alec. H. (ed.) Selected Verse of C.J. Dennis (Sydney 1951)
Chittenden, Larry Ranch Verses (New York 1893)
Chittick, Victor Lovitt Oakes (ed.) Ring-Tailed Roarers (Caldwell, ID 1941)
Chopper Magazine [1971-1973]
Chorier, Nicholas Cabinet of Love (trans.) of Meursius ‘The Delights of Venus’) (London 1709)
Chowdhry, Prem Contentious Marriages, Eloping Couples: Gender, Caste, and Patriarchy in Northern India (New Delhi 2007)
Christian Science Monitor (Boston 1908–)
Christie, Agatha A Murder is Announced (London 1950) [London 1958]
Christie, Agatha The Body in the Library (London 1942) [London 1959]
Christie, Agatha Dumb Witness (London 1937) [London 1949]
Christie, Agatha The Hollow (London 1946) [London 1950]
Christie, Agatha Murder in Mesopotamia (London 1936) [London 1952]
Christie, Agatha Murder in the Mews (London 1937) [London 1954]
Christie, Agatha The Murder on the Links (London 1923) [London 1960]
Christie, Agatha The Mysterious Affair at Styles (London 1920) [London 1954]
Christie, Agatha Poirot Investigates (London 1924) [London 1955]
Christie, Agatha Sad Cypress (London 1940) [London 1954]
Christie, Agatha The Secret Adversary (London 1922) [London 1955]
Christie, Agatha The Secret Adversary (London 1922) [London 1958]
Christie, Agatha The Secret of Chimneys (London 1925) [London 1956]
Christie, Agatha Sparkling Cyanide (London 1945) [London 1955]
Christie, Agatha Three Act Tragedy (London 1935) [London 1964]
Christie, Hal ‘The Mandarin’s Hat’ (New York 1928) [in Munsey’s Magazine June]
Christy, E.B. Box And Cox (London/New York 1867) [see Williams, Henry Llewellyn (ed.) Darkey Drama 6]
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA 1895-1954)
Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH 1829-)
Chrysler, Charles B. White Slavery (New York 1909)
‘Chuck, Mike’ The Master List [Internet] (?1998)
Chuckles [comic] (London 1914–23)
Chula Vista Star (Chula Vista, CA 19??-1954)
Chums (London 1892–1940)
Chunder Sen, Keshub The Book of Pilgrimages: Diaries and Reports of Missionary Expeditions (Calcutta 1940)
Churchill, Winston The Crossing (London 1904)
Churchward, W.B. Blackbirding in the South Pacific (London 1888)
Ciardi, John, A Second Browsers Dictionary (New York 1983)
Ciardi, John, Good Words (New York 1987)
Cibber, Colley An apology for the life of Mr. Colley Cibber (London 1740)
Cibber, Colley The Refusal (London 1721)
Cibber, Colley Works (London 1760) (including Careless Husband 1704; Double Gallant 1707; Harlot’s Progress 1731; Love Makes A Man 1701; Non-Juror 1717; Refusal 1721; Rival Fools 1709; She Would and She Would Not 1702)
Cimarron News and Press (NM 1875-77)
Cincinnati Chronicle (Cincinnati, OH 1837-47)
Cincinnati Daily Star (Cincinnati, OH 1875-188)
Cincinnati Enquirer (Cincinnati 1841–)
Citizen (Honesdale, PA 1873-1908)
City of London Collection (London 1815)
Civil & Military Gazette (Lahore 1876-1929)
Claerbaut, David Black Jargon in White America (Grand Rapids, MI 1972)
Clanchy, John Lie of the Land (Carlton, Australia 1985)
Clancy, Tom The Hunt for Red October (London 1985)
Clapin, Sylva A New Dictionary of Americanisms (New York 1903)
Clappe, Louise The Shirley letters from California mines in 1851-52 (San Francisco, CA 1922) [New York 1949]
Clare Journal and Ennis Advertiser (Ennis, Eire 1835-1871)
Clarence and Richmond Examiner and New England Advertiser (Grafton, NSW, Australia 1859 - 1889)
Clarion Ledger (Jackson, MS 1941-)
Clark, Amy Jo; Weaver, Miriam Right for a Reason: Life, Liberty, and a Crapload of Common Sense (New York 2014)
Clark, Charles L.; Eubank, Earle E. Lockstep and Corridor (Cincinnati 1927)
Clark, Emily Innocence Abroad (New York 1931)
Clark, George Edward Seven Years of a Sailor’s Life (Boston 1867)
Clark, Gregory R. Words of the Vietnam War (Jefferson, NC 1990)
Clarke, Austin Growing Up Stupid Under the Union Jack (Toronto 1980)
Clarke, Austin The Prime Minister (Kingston, Jamaica 1977) [London 1978]
Clarke, Donald Henderson In the Reign of Rothstein (New York 1929)
Clarke, John Paraemiologia Anglo-Latina or Proverbs (London 1639)
Clarke, John Henrik (ed.) Harlem, USA (New York 1971)
Clarke, Marcus For the Term of His Natural Life (Melbourne 1874) [London 1897]
Clarke, Marcus Old Tales of a Young Country (Melbourne 1871)
Clarke, William Every Night Book; or, Life after dark (London 1827)
Clarke Courier (Berryville, VA 1869-1997)
Clarkson, Charles Tempest; Richardson, J. Hall Police! (London/New York 1889)
Clarksville Chronicle (Clarksville, TN 186?-72)
Clarksville Weekly Chronicle (Clarksville, TN 1873-90)
Clausen, Connie I Love You Honey, But the Season’s Over (London 1962)
Clavell, John A Recantation of an Ill led Life: Or a Discouerie of the High-way Law (London 1628)
Clay City Times (Clay City, KY 1901-)
Clayton News (Clayton, NM 19??-1954)
Cleary, Frances A Pocketful of Years (Auckland 1975)
Cleary, John Strike Me Lucky (Sydney 1959)
Cleary, Jon Back of Sunset (Sydney 1959)
Cleary, Jon The Sundowners (London 1952)
Cleland, John The Dictionary of Love (London 1753)
Cleland, John Memoirs of a Coxcomb (London 1751)
Cleland, John Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (London 1748–9)
Cleland, John The Woman of Honor 3 vols. (London 1768)
Clement, Dick; La Frenais, Ian Porridge [TV scripts] (London 2002)
Clemente, Gerald W. The Cops Are Robbers (West Wareham, MA 1987)
Clemmer, Donald The Prison Community (New York 1940)
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