Green’s Dictionary of Slang


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Daily Arkansas Gazette (Little Rock, AR 1866-1889)
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Daily News (Perth, WA Australia1882 - 1950)
Daily Ohio Statesman (Columbus, OH 1855-77)
Daily Pennant (St. Louis, MO 1839-40)
Daily Phoenix (Columbia, SC 1865-78)
Daily Press (Newport News, VA 1896-)
Daily Press and Dakotan (Yankton, SD 1875-1880)
Daily Princetonian (Princeton, NJ 1876-)
Daily Public Ledger (Maysville, KY 1892-1915)
Daily Record (Morristown, NJ 1971-)
Daily Record (Glasgow 1900-1949)
Daily Sentinel (Indianapolis, IN 1868-1878)
Daily Southern Cross (Auckland, NZ 1862-76)
Daily Southern Cross (Wellington, NZ 1843-1876)
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Davenant, William Play-House to be Let (London 1663)
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Daytona Gazette (Daytona FL 1901-1922)
Dayton Daily Empire (Dayton, OH 1850-1865)
Díaz, Junot This Is How You Lose Her (New York 2012)
Décharné, Max Straight from the Fridge: A Dictionary of Hipster Slang (London 2000)
D’Costa, Jean Escape to Last Man Peak (London 1975)
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Dean-Burrows, Carmelina M. I See Da Sea Rise (Nassau, Bahamas 2003)
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De Bruyn, Alex Escaping the Amazon (indep. publisher 2017)
Decatur Daily Review (Decatur, IL 1919-1980)
Decatur Herald (Decatur, IL 1899-1980)
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De Christoforo, Ron Grease (New York 1978)
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Dee, D Golden Betty (US 1968)
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Dekker, Thomas The Belman of London (also 3rd edn Operis Peroratio. A Short Discourse of Canting) (London 1608)
Dekker, Thomas The Belman’s Second Night Walk (London 1608)
Dekker, Thomas The Dead Terme (London 1608)
Dekker, Thomas Dekker His Dreame (London 1620)
Dekker, Thomas The Devil’s Last Will and Testament (London 1613)
Dekker, Thomas English Villainies (8th edn London 1637, 9th edn London 1648)
Dekker, Thomas The Gul’s Horne-Booke (London 1609)
Dekker, Thomas The Honest Whore (Part I) (London 1604)
Dekker, Thomas The Honest Whore (Part II) (written London 1608; printed London 1630)
Dekker, Thomas Lanthorne and Candle-Light (1608)
Dekker, Thomas Match Me in London (London 1611)
Dekker, Thomas Newes from Graues-end (London 1604) [Oxford 1925]
Dekker, Thomas Newes from Hell (London 1606)
Dekker, Thomas Northward Hoe (London 1607)
Dekker, Thomas Old Fortunatus (London 1599)
Dekker, Thomas O Per Se O (London 1612)
Dekker, Thomas Satiromastix (London 1602)
Dekker, Thomas Seven Deadly Sinnes (London 1606)
Dekker, Thomas The Shoemakers’ Holiday (London 1600)
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Dekker, Thomas The Wonderfull Yeare (London 1603)
Dekker, Thomas The Wonder of a Kingdom (London 1623)
Dekker, Thomas; Webster, John Westward Hoe (London 1607)
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de la Bédollière, Emile Londres et les anglais (Paris 1862)
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De la Roche, Mazo Whiteoak Heritage (London 1940) [London 1949]
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The Delhi Sketch Book (Delhi 1850-1857)
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De Lisser, Herbert G. Jane’s Career (Kingston, Jamaica 1913) [London 1971]
De Lisser, Herbert G. Revenge (Kingston, Jamaica 1919)
Delius, Anthony Last Division (Cape Town 1959)
Delius, Anthony The Young Traveller in South Africa (London 1947)
Delmar, Viña Bad Girl (London 1928)
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Demarr, James Adventures in Australia (London 1893)
De Mille, Nelson The Smack Man (US 1975) [London 1991]
Deming Graphic (Deming, NM 1903-1948)
Deming Headlight (Deming, NM 1881-1948)
Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY 1871-)
Democratic Banner (Bowling Green, MO 1845-1852)
Democratic Press (Ravenna, OH 1868-1901)
Democratic Press (Eaton, OH 1860-1865)
Democratic Standard (Georgetown, OH 1837-1859)
Democrat Northwest & Henry County News (Napoleon, OH 1894-1905)
Democrat & Sentinel (Ebensburg, PA 1853-1866)
Dempski, Bill; Thomas, Alex; Vikander, Brian Dalko (Nashville, TN 2020)
Dendrickson, George; Thomas, Frederick The Truth About Dartmoor (London 1954)
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