Green’s Dictionary of Slang


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Radano, Gene Pigtown (New York 1995)
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Radcliffe, Alexander Ovid Travestie (London 1681)
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Ranch (Seattle, WA 1897-?13)
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Randall, Jack Jack Randall’s Diary (London 1820)
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Rand Daily Mail (Johannesburg 1902–85)
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Randolph County Journal (Winchester, IN 1864-65)
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Rankin, Ian Let It Bleed (London 1995)
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Ranous, Dora K. Diary of a Daly Débutante (New York 1910)
Rao, S.V. Power and Criminality: a survey of famous crimes in Indian history (Bombay (Mumbai) 1977)
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Rastell, John Three Rastell Plays ed. Richard Axton (Cambridge, UK 1979) (including The Four Elements 1519; Gentleness and Nobility c.1525)
‘Raven, Charles’ Underworld Nights (London 1956)
Raven-Hart, Rowland Canoe in Australia (Melbourne 1948)
Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan The Yearling (London 1938)
Rawlings, Philip Drunks, Whores and Idle Apprentices (London 1992)
Rawlings-Way, Charles Sydney (Footscray, Victoria, Australia 2010)
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Ray, John A Collection of English Words Not Generally Used (London 1674)
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Reade, Charles Griffith Gaunt (London 1866)
Reade, Charles Hard Cash 3 vols. (London 1863)
Reade, Charles It Is Never Too Late to Mend (novel London 1856; play New York 1856)
Reade, Charles; Boucicault, Dionysius Foul Play 3 vols. (London 1868)
The Reader (London 1863-1867)
Readers’ Digest (Pleasantville, NY 1922–)
Reading, Peter 5x5x5x5x5 (Sunderland, UK 1983)
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Reading Mercury (Reading, UK 1789-1903)
Reading Times (Reading, PA 1858-1941)
Ready, Susan Private Lists (London 1983)
The Realist (New York 1958-2001)
Rebennack, John Mac; Rummel, Jack Under A Hoodoo Moon (New York 1994)
Rechy, John Bodies and Souls (New York 1983)
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Red Cloud Chief (Webster Co., NE 1873-1923)
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Rede, William L. Our Village (London 1843)
Rede, William L. Sixteen-String Jack (London 1841)
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Redmond, Lar Emerald Square (London 1987)
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Reeve, Arthur B. Constance Dunlap (New York 1913)
Reeve, Dominic Smoke in the Lanes (London 1958)
Reeves, Vic; Mortimer, Bob Vic Reeves Big Night Out (London 1991)
Referee (Sydney, NSW 1886-1939)
The Regiment (London 1896-1945)
Register (Adelaide 1901-29)
Register News-Pictorial (Adelaide, SA, Australia 1929 - 1931)
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Republican Compiler (Gettysburg, PA 1818-57)
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Rochester Democrat (Rochester, NY 1833-)
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Rockingham Post Dispatch (Rockingham, NC 1917-1965)
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